Desktop for today

This is one of my all time favorite wallpapers.Its called Che-Believe and is on mandolux. In the process of making changes on the dock.I have also almost succeeded in making an icon free desktop.

(click on the picture to enlarge)

For some reason the picture is not too clear...
ever changing (my desktop)


the most awesome firecracker in the world...

This was filmed by my dad at the Naval Presedential Fleet Review at Visakhapatnam in 2006. A small barge filled with explosives is detonated and the result is an awesome explosion..also i love the smoke halo


desktop for today

(click on the picture to enlarge)

This Desktop is not too much different from the earlier ones, but all the icons on the desktop except one have been removed. The Sticky note Widget has been added. Apart from this some of the dock icons and of course the wallpaper have been changed.


fire'em those protons...

its less than 4 hours from 10th September. whats so special?. World, please welcome the Large Hadron Collider aka LHC. I am like damn excited about the whole thing , its pretty cool colliding two sub atomic particles at near light speed.Really this is like the worlds largest science experiment and stuff and humans trying to meddle and recreate things of cosmic level is outright kickass!. With the media having a field day scaring the shit outta people saying the world is going to end beacaue of the experiment. WTF IS YOUR F'ING PROBLEMO ASoLE''s, Science knows better and like as if all the population and pollution are not killing us anyway.OK, If something really goes wrong and the world has to disappears into the black hole or whatever, its cool. All i wish for is for the CERN guys to tell us that we have like 27 hours more and then........

the world will have the greatest party ever.The Do whatever you want party where everyone is free and elated and in a party.everyone on the streets,music and everything.however i am not wishing for anything to happen but the doomsday party if it ever happens will rock...Hope the Lhc works.

awfully excited


