Damn them if this doesn't happen.

I swear I'll never watch the Oscars again if The Joker(read Heath Ledger) doesn't win the best actor and the batman doesn't win Best Picture, but then again some movies and actors can never be weighed in statues. Films like the The Dark Knight will rule, award or no award...As for the Poster, it totally Kicks ass. Joker Style

image kurtsy- http://filmonic.com/coolness-joker-oscar-poster

Joker Rules

White spaces

(click on the picture to enlarge)

Its been a long time since my old desktop but here it is now. Also,
check out my flickr page for more desktops.


Fireballs in the Sky..

The most exciting thing this week
a speculative 'meteorite' was sighted around alberta, canada last evening (in canada) and this is its video from a patrol car. Its super celestial awesome!. Hope the meterorite has not been vaporised and hope more videos surface...


what am I or YOU

i found this very interesting just for the fact that everyone has a point of view for everything that surrounds us.

i am a pessimist who looks at the glass as half full. Its a glass!, which will provide unlimited energy and when bottled with a fancy name create fortunes. But then i will also while dividing it equally shout about the governments intention of controlling all our minds. this while she hands me over the glass

But the glass isn't there... its a t shirt with a picture a glass with water in it
Rack your brains,fools


The important personalities list

For all those jobless souls who have given up the beautiful life outside to slog for CLAT so as to find a life in a law school,..go outside and get a life or make yourselves more miserable by cramming your underdeveloped head with obscure names
Please click on the link below,You will be redirected to google pages

This is the link - Atre's Google Pages



(click on the picture to enlarge) or (http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3249/2964601239_f914b1a847_o.jpg)

I wanted to keep the desktop as minimally black as possible.I have completely changed dock icons from the last desktop, and removed my desktop clock.I am starting to love CD Art Display.Its is so cool. The Rainlendar is skinned with my all time favorite Moderna skin.I guess i found this wall paper on deviant art, and don't mind the sticky note.

check out my flickr page


desktop for today-music"no numbers"

I totally loved this wallpaper from devinatart.Also new is the CD Art Display running with Windows Media Player...Music has no numbers....


How I solve things...

Let me shut up and let you concentrate...


searching for problemos'

Desktop for today

This is one of my all time favorite wallpapers.Its called Che-Believe and is on mandolux. In the process of making changes on the dock.I have also almost succeeded in making an icon free desktop.

(click on the picture to enlarge)

For some reason the picture is not too clear...
ever changing (my desktop)


the most awesome firecracker in the world...

This was filmed by my dad at the Naval Presedential Fleet Review at Visakhapatnam in 2006. A small barge filled with explosives is detonated and the result is an awesome explosion..also i love the smoke halo


desktop for today

(click on the picture to enlarge)

This Desktop is not too much different from the earlier ones, but all the icons on the desktop except one have been removed. The Sticky note Widget has been added. Apart from this some of the dock icons and of course the wallpaper have been changed.


fire'em those protons...

its less than 4 hours from 10th September. whats so special?. World, please welcome the Large Hadron Collider aka LHC. I am like damn excited about the whole thing , its pretty cool colliding two sub atomic particles at near light speed.Really this is like the worlds largest science experiment and stuff and humans trying to meddle and recreate things of cosmic level is outright kickass!. With the media having a field day scaring the shit outta people saying the world is going to end beacaue of the experiment. WTF IS YOUR F'ING PROBLEMO ASoLE''s, Science knows better and like as if all the population and pollution are not killing us anyway.OK, If something really goes wrong and the world has to disappears into the black hole or whatever, its cool. All i wish for is for the CERN guys to tell us that we have like 27 hours more and then........

the world will have the greatest party ever.The Do whatever you want party where everyone is free and elated and in a party.everyone on the streets,music and everything.however i am not wishing for anything to happen but the doomsday party if it ever happens will rock...Hope the Lhc works.

awfully excited




today's desktop

i am getting slightly obsessive about my desktop but who cares...




dude, this is my desktop...


In my ever lasting  pursuit for change my desktop too among other things        keeps changing ,damn I am starting to feel like obama. So every once in a while my awesome desktops will feature here.

I call this desktop aurora blues . I have yahoo widgets, rocket dock,and rainlendar while using vista inspirat  as a visual theme.

always in motion 


what's up, with television today...

I like to call myself a realist but people around me tend to confuse it with pessimism. That however doesn't stop me from being a harsh critic (though no one even cares and I can only wish I was paid to do it) of the things I see ,hear and taste. So what's up with television today. its become what any intelligent life-form would call bull-CRAP (or for that matter any crap, even alien crap). Even news has become this excruciatingly dull and monotonous exercise. How I am still watching these over made up douche bags ramble on about the same dumb thing 3873 times before a break so as to not become Neanderthal . I don't know-period. Can someone dump BS like Big "D head" Boss and please bring back spongebob or simpsons. Wait , lets even have a reward!. But such is the drug on us I just cant stop watching(boycott??) and switch over to saner media(not TV channels)

Is any one even listening.....I think this is all a scheme by the government to lead us into a black hole or a deep dark abyss where we are made into rubber trees.i hope i don't get myself arrested

Caution: for those of you who don't understand complex analogies. what are U even doing reading this. actually what am I doing wasting 13 minutes of my life. hahahaha


lost for the moment


why I absolutely love bush...literally


I don't need to say much, the picture says it all..


always excited


all hail the joker...

There are sparks and then there are supernovae. Heath Ledger AKA The Joker is legend. I finally watched the Dark Knight on Sunday and i am still elated. Few Movies have an impact of this sort on the human mind and rarely do we ever see an actor who is so intensely brilliant. If there is anything called evil then it is The Joker of the dark knight. Evil needs no reason. From cinematography to direction to soundtrack to explosions the movie deserves not a standing but a flying ovation.The very fact that batman(Micheal Bale) himself receives very little praise is because his performance is overshadowed big time by Joker's incredible antics.
The dark knight has certainly set a benchmark not only for actors and film-makers but also for the audience as well and will go down in history not only as the greatest superhero movie(until a better movie) but also as one of the best movies ever produced in the modern era.Heath Ledger will remain


batman beyond..

I ended up reading 3 reviews of Batman -The Dark Knight in record time and from what i understand, this movie will be nothing short of spectacular. Dark,twisted,chilling,a visual treat,ironical(the fact that joker no more exists in real life), destructive symphony,evil to the bone....Realistically however, If the movie turns out to be the way the reviews point, Dark Knight will be the long awaited oasis for the dehydrated and dying TRUE MOVIE fan.

the wait to the release of the movie will be exciting

(image kurtsy-abuduzeedo.net)

awesome poster

in line

the "totally pissed of" intro

...So i am pissed, slightly bored and spellbound by chuck palahniuk's lullaby. The book, is literature extraordinaire. I am also jobless and putting up a picture of a cat seems appropriate, to uplift and enlighten ..


