The best comics on the internet (part 2). From where i left off in the last post, None of the wordy jargon.
This is genuinely one of the most awesome comics i have seen on the internet. The comic is artistically brilliant and is executed to comic perfection. Though it boasts of having too many words (it does, each comic has a solid story), Subnormality is one of the finer creations of web comic world. The comic is generally random on the subject but what drives it to Awesomeness is the fact that every strip is focused onto what it wants to deliver. The comic sneers, very intelligently yet 'subtly with cynicism' at the dysfunction of the modern society. Comic nirvana is here.

SMBC - Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
Creator Zach Weiner, thats one damn funny name. The comic is funnier. SMBC leans and laughs on to the science-y-ier side of the world and that too with atomic precision. Its a single panel comic with one off lines at the bottom. This comic is as important as your morning breakfast cereal.

PHD - Piled higher & Deeper
Follows the daily life of a bunch of Grad students.Their procrastinations, adventures, failures and all. Any person who has ever been to college will almost immediately identify with this comic. What sets PhD apart from other college based comics is that it very brilliantly brings out the funny little quirks, the hidden cynicism and the monumental frustration of college life. without fizzling out on the humor and avoiding those in-your face cliche'. This is one pretty damn awesome comic.

Diesel Sweeties
8-Bit Awesomeness. Period

The Oatmeal
The first thing you notice about an Oatmeal comic is that it looks less like a comic strip and more like a list. and If you didn't know, the internet wouldn't have made it this far without lists. An Oatmeal comic is typically random, graphic and in your face. Internet Meme is at its best at the Oatmeal. The creator, Matthew Inman also makes flash quizzes related to the stories and comics, so you are never going to be able to leave the website. Ever. All this makes the Oatmeal one of the most addictive comics on the web.
and as a special feature..Featuring one of the most popular comics ever created. Calvin and Hobbes. Found this article on Comic Alliance and it features fan made art of the ever awesome boy and tiger duo. Just keeping the spirit of C&H alive.
And so,
A "realistic" Calvin and Hobbes by Nina Matsumoto a.k.a. Space Coyote (via depro9):

Calvin & Hobbes, Private Investigators by Eric J. Durwood II

There's more, For another day.