today's desktop

i am getting slightly obsessive about my desktop but who cares...




dude, this is my desktop...


In my ever lasting  pursuit for change my desktop too among other things        keeps changing ,damn I am starting to feel like obama. So every once in a while my awesome desktops will feature here.

I call this desktop aurora blues . I have yahoo widgets, rocket dock,and rainlendar while using vista inspirat  as a visual theme.

always in motion 


what's up, with television today...

I like to call myself a realist but people around me tend to confuse it with pessimism. That however doesn't stop me from being a harsh critic (though no one even cares and I can only wish I was paid to do it) of the things I see ,hear and taste. So what's up with television today. its become what any intelligent life-form would call bull-CRAP (or for that matter any crap, even alien crap). Even news has become this excruciatingly dull and monotonous exercise. How I am still watching these over made up douche bags ramble on about the same dumb thing 3873 times before a break so as to not become Neanderthal . I don't know-period. Can someone dump BS like Big "D head" Boss and please bring back spongebob or simpsons. Wait , lets even have a reward!. But such is the drug on us I just cant stop watching(boycott??) and switch over to saner media(not TV channels)

Is any one even listening.....I think this is all a scheme by the government to lead us into a black hole or a deep dark abyss where we are made into rubber trees.i hope i don't get myself arrested

Caution: for those of you who don't understand complex analogies. what are U even doing reading this. actually what am I doing wasting 13 minutes of my life. hahahaha


lost for the moment


why I absolutely love bush...literally


I don't need to say much, the picture says it all..


always excited


all hail the joker...

There are sparks and then there are supernovae. Heath Ledger AKA The Joker is legend. I finally watched the Dark Knight on Sunday and i am still elated. Few Movies have an impact of this sort on the human mind and rarely do we ever see an actor who is so intensely brilliant. If there is anything called evil then it is The Joker of the dark knight. Evil needs no reason. From cinematography to direction to soundtrack to explosions the movie deserves not a standing but a flying ovation.The very fact that batman(Micheal Bale) himself receives very little praise is because his performance is overshadowed big time by Joker's incredible antics.
The dark knight has certainly set a benchmark not only for actors and film-makers but also for the audience as well and will go down in history not only as the greatest superhero movie(until a better movie) but also as one of the best movies ever produced in the modern era.Heath Ledger will remain

